Fran Bow Wiki

Items form the basis for most puzzles in Fran Bow. They are objects that Fran acquires throughout her journey by interacting with the environment, talking to people or combining already acquired items.

Chapter 1[]

Image Name Location Use
Knitting Needle
Knitting Needle Found near the nurses desk while under the effects of Duotine. Combines with the Hair Clip to make Fran's Handmade Key.
Hair Clip
Hair Clip Found in a box under Philmore Bronstone's bed. Combines with the Knitting Needle to make Fran's Handmade Key.
Fran's handmade Key
Fran's Handmade Key Made by combining the Hair Clip and Knitting Needle. Used to open the door by Philmore Bronstone's bed.
Golden Hook
Golden Hook Found by interacting with the curtains in Fran's room at the asylum. Combines with the Pink Sash and Walking Cane to make the Grab-O-Matic 2000.
Pink Sash
Pink Sash Found in Robert Clark's room. Combines with the Golden Hook and Walking Cane to make the Grab-O-Matic 2000.
Walking Cane
Walking Cane Given by Damian Golsman in exchange for Fran's Drawing. Combines with the Golden Hook and Pink Sash to make the Grab-O-Matic 2000.
Grab-O-Matic 2000
Grab-O-Matic 2000 Made from combining the Pink Sash, Golden Hook and Walking Cane. Used to reach the office key guarded by the Security Guard.
Tiny key
Tiny Key Found in a box under Philmore Bronstone's bed. Used to unlock the dresser in Fran's room.
Band-aid Found on the nurse's desk. Can be given to Adelaida Fugents to acquire the Green Crayon.
Cinnamon Bun
Cinnamon Bun Found in the asylum's kitchen. Combines with Magic Stuff to create Drugged Cinnamon Bun.
Magic Stuff
Magic Stuff Given by Annie Szhultz when talking to her. Combines with the Cinnamon Bun to create Drugged Cinnamon Bun.
Drugged Cinnamon Bun
Drugged Cinnamon Bun Made by combining the Cinnamon Bun and Magic Stuff Can be Given to the Security Guard to put him to sleep.
Very, Very Hot Coffee
Very, Very Hot Coffee Can be found in the kitchen. Can be spilled on the Security Guard to make him leave his post.
Green Crayon
Green Crayon Given by Adelaida Fugents after giving her Band-aids. Combines with White Paper to make Fran's Drawing.
White Paper
White paper Given by Robert Clark after helping him. Combines with Green Crayon to make Fran's Drawing.
Fran's Drawing
Fran's Drawing Made by combining Green Crayon and White Paper. Can be given to Damian Golsman in exchange for his Walking Cane.
Office Key
Office Key Can be reached with the Grab-O-Matic 2000 after the Security Guard has been neutralized. Can be used to gain entrance to the office.
Alarm Code Note
Alarm Code Note Can be found in the office. Can be examined to reveal the code 2932 to disable the alarm.

Chapter 2[]

Part I[]

Image Name Location Use
Door Found in the junk pile after exiting the pipe. Combines with the Door Handle and Super Glue to make A Magic Door.
Door Handle
Door Handle Found on the ground after using the Axe on the door to Antonio the Greatest's house. Combines with the Door and Super Glue to make A Magic Door.
Super Glue
Super Glue Found on in a cupboard in Antonio the Greatest's house. Combines with the Door Handle and Door to make A Magic Door.
A Magic Door
A Magic Door Created by combining the Super Glue, Door handle and Door. Can be placed on the well in The forest.
Axe Found in the Forest. Can be used to kill Beetlepig, open the well and break the door to Antonio the Greatest's House.
A Feather
A Feather Dropped by an owl after useing the Axe on the well. Can be used to wake Antonio the Greatest after he has fallen asleep.
Piece of Meat
Piece of Meat Found in Antonio the Greatest's House. Can be used to draw away the ants from John Plomet's corpse.
Ticket Found in a bag by John Plomet's corpse. Can be combined with the Green Crayon to create a ticket to the bar in Ithersta.
Rat Trap
Rat Trap Found in a bag by John Plomet's corpse. Can be used in the Pinecone Family's house to acquire Blueberries.
Blueberries Found in the Pinecone Family's house. Can be used to distract Beetlepig to allow Fran to kill him.
Comb Found by talking to the Rat. Can be used to acquire A Key by combing the Luciferns' hair.
A Key
A Key Found hanging from a tree full of Luciferns while under the effects of Duotine. Can be used to unlock A Magic Door.

Part II[]

Image Name Location Use
Knife Found in the kitchen of Clara and Mia's Cottage. Used to cut the rope in the well and to draw blood from Fran.
Bloody Knife
Bloody Knife Obtained after using the Knife on Fran. Works identically to the Knife.
Fran's Blood
Fran's Blood Obtained by using the Knife on Fran. Used in the spell Revealing the True Soul.
Bad Recipe
Bad Recipe Given by the twins. Used with the typewriter to make the Tampered Bad Recipe.
Tampered Bad Recipe
Tampered Bad Recipe Obtained by using the Bad Recipe with the typewriter. Used on the twins in order to obtain Hair from the Twins.
Hair from the Twins
Hair from the Twins Obtained by showing the Tampered Bad Recipe to the twins. Used in the spell Revealing the True Soul.
Pile of Ash
Pile of Ash Found by the fireplace in Clara and Mia's Cottage. Used in the spell Revealing the True Soul.
Salt and Pepper
Salt and Pepper Found on a shelf in the kitchen. Used in the spell Revealing the True Soul.
Metal Pot
Metal Pot Found in the kitchen of Clara and Mia's Cottage. Used with the tap in the kitchen to make Water Filled Pot.
Water Filled Pot
Water Filled Pot Obtained by using the Metal Pot with the tap in the kitchen. Used in the spell Revealing the True Soul.
Potion Obtained once all the ingredients have been added. Poured on the twins to complete the spell Revealing the True Soul.
Matches Found on the table in the kitchen. Used to light the stove and the Black Candles. Also the answer to the first riddle in chapter 3 and must be placed on the star in The Great Wizard's cave.
Plank Found outside Clara and Mia's Cottage. Used in the well to reach the rope holding the bottle containing the Good Recipe.
Good Recipe
Good Recipe Found in a bottle hanging by a rope in the well. Describes how to perform the spell Revealing the True Soul.
Tweezers Found on the desk in the twins' room. Used to extract the Good Recipe from a bottle.
Moonlight Seed
Moonlight Seed Found on a shelf in the kitchen. Can be used on the moonlight reflection in the well or in the water outside Clara and Mia's Cottage.
Moonlight Rose
Moonlight Rose Obtained by using the Moonlight Seed on a moonlight reflection. Used in the spell Revealing the True Soul.
Black Candles
Black Candles Found upstairs in a dresser. Used in the spell Revealing the True Soul.
Twin's Key
Twin's Key Found in the ashen remains of the twins. Used to unlock the mirror in the twins' room.
Cage Key
Cage Key Found behind the mirror in the twins' room. Used to unlock the cage holding Mr. Midnight.
Baking Powder
Baking Powder Found in the kitchen. Used on the Toad at the end of the chapter in order to escape the island.

Chapter 3[]

Image Name Location Use
Crystal Found on the ground by the extendable bridge. Used on the cogs of the bridge mechanism to keep the bridge from retracting.
Bow Family Picture
Bow Family Picture Given by the Toad. Used on Ryde to stop him from attacking Fran.
Golden Coins
Golden Coins Acquired by winning games of tic tac toe against a snail. Used to pay Cogwind for fixing The Season Clock and for purchasing the Fish Hook from Prooter.
Broken Fishing Rod
Broken Fishing Rod Found leaning against a tree in summer and fall. Combines with Fish Hook and Thread to make Fishrod.
Thread Acquired by using the Broken Fishing Rod on the fabric seller in the Market of Ithersta. Combines with Fish Hook and Broken Fishing Rod to make Fishrod.
Fish Hook
Fish Hook Acquired by using the Broken Fishing Rod on Prooter and paying him 3 Golden Coins. Combines with Broken Fishing Rod and Thread to make Fishrod.
Fishrod Created by combining the Broken Fishing Rod, Fish Hook and Thread. Used on the stream by the palace steps to acquire Fish.
Riddles Given by The Great Wizard after first speaking to him. Contains the riddles necessary for finding the stones.
Lemon Acquired by using the Bloody Knife on the grasshopper's basket in fall, causing them to drop one lemon when picking them in summer. The answer to the second riddle. Must be placed on the star in The Great Wizard's cave.
Fish Acquired by using the Fishrod on the stream by the palace steps. The answer to the third riddle. Must be placed on the star in The Great Wizard's cave.
Feather Found by the Season Clock after witnessing Palontras fight Kamalas from the top of Great Mountain Kotrem. The answer to the fourth riddle. Must be placed on the star in The Great Wizard's cave.
Mountain Flower
Mountain Flower Found at the bottom of Great Mountain Kotrem in fall. Given to Kotrem's wife in order to make her return to her husband.
Wizard's Hat
Wizard's Hat Given by Kotrem after reuniting him with his wife. Returned to the Great Wizard in order to progress.
Wizard's Book
Wizard's Book Found in the library, behind an Itward lock. Returned to the Great Wizard in order to progress.
Ticket Found in the Bar during fall. Needed to forge a Fake Ticket.
Fake Ticket
Fake Ticket Made by combining the Green Crayon and the Ticket received in chapter 2. Used on the Bar Guard to gain access to the Bar.
Wizard's Shoes
Wizard's Shoes Found on the Mantis Dancer's feet. Returned to the Great Wizard in order to progress.
Wizard's Wand
Wizard's Wand Found behind the Bar in the hands of the Valokas statue. The final item that needs to be returned to the Great Wizard in order to progress.
Fran's Clothes
Fran's Clothes Found at the site where Fran first falls into Ithersta. Given to the Great Wizard to make him turn Fran back into a human.

Chapter 4[]

Part I[]

Image Name Location Use
Fireberries Can be retrieved from a tree by using the Knife. Needed to make fuel for Itward´s Flying Machine.
Itward's Bucket
Itward's Bucket Given to Fran by Clara and Mia. Is filled with water by tying it to a Lucifern's hair.
Duct Tape
Duct Tape Found in the command room of Itward's Flying Machine. Used to repair a leaking tube in the engine room.
Key Held by Clara in the dining room while under the effects of Duotine. Used to unlock a puppet show telling the story of Clara and Mia.
Green Hose
Green Hose Found in the engine room. Needed to make fuel for Itward´s Flying Machine.
Blue Hose
Blue Hose Found in the engine room. Needed to make fuel for Itward´s Flying Machine.
Pink Hose
Pink Hose Found in the engine room. Needed to make fuel for Itward´s Flying Machine.
Octopus Hose
Octopus Hose Found in the engine room. Needed to make fuel for Itward´s Flying Machine.